Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The QuickTO: Change your NAT type

OK my very first QuickTO. A nice little tutorial that you can do in under 20 minutes.

Today's is how to change NAT 3 to NAT 2 or 1.

Now. NAT 3 typically means you are behind a firewall.
That is good for most cases but for video gaming it is terrible.

Windows Viruses and hackers typically don't go for PS3s. :)

Now first off check your PS3's IP address.

Just go to your Status list and look for IP address.

Copy it or leave it on your screen.

Now turn on your computer
Connect to your network
and open your browser.


No .com

Copy and paste that if you must.
If you are connected yousa should see a login screen.

Now open a new window or tab.
Google the default password for your router's model name.
You should find it.

If you like looking for stuff go to:

Now enter that user and password you found.
Typically its admin and password or something like that.

Go to your Firewall settings.
Look for a DMZ host or something with DMZ.

Enter your PS3's IP address.

Log out and then run an PS3 Network Test.
If all went well you should be on NAT 2 or 1.
If not then you have to manually set your IP address on the PS3.
But I'll go through that one another day.

Goodnight Everybody!