Friday, November 7, 2008

Hot Games of the Holiday Season! LittleBigPlanet and Resistance 2!

So this month the two games that I have been waiting for diligently have finally come out.
Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet. Completely different genres but totally amazing.

I currently have LittleBigPlanet and I'm trying to do my usual of 100% a game before I get another game so close to the purchase date.

LBP is honeslty a very short and good game but flawed in one of it's three flagship pillars. The Create. The Single Player aspect of the game is amazing. Short but great.

But this Create mode. I severely doubt many people can grasp the full concept of LBP's create mode.
I haven't yet to. And I was in the beta.

But I would give it about a 9.5.

Resistance 2 I have yet to even try. But I hope to get it incredibly soon.
If anyone would like to donate some cash to help me out, my email is
Just email me and we'll go from there.